

3 SEO Tips for Getting High-Quality Content and Links

What makes a good SEO strategy? The answer, of course, is quality content and quality links. Here are a few tips to getting more quality links and more quality content.

Reclaim Your Links

Link reclaiming is a simple process that will bring in a lot of new high-quality backlinks for free. Here’s how it works: Find out where your brand, blog or company has been mentioned on the web (without being linked to). Use a tool such as Buzzsumo or even Google Alerts for this. Create a list of high-quality websites that mention you. Contact the owners, thank them for mentioning you, and gently suggest that they link back to you. You’ll be surprised by the high conversion rates that you’ll get.

Republish and Boost Old Content

Take a look at your Google Search Console search analytics to find out which posts can use a boost in their rankings. Take those posts, add new images and updated content, create a better sounding headline, and republish it — in WordPress, all you need to do is change the publish date. Your next step is to link to this post from pages on your site that are ranking high for similar keywords; internal linking is always an important SEO strategy. Make sure to use the Fetch as Google tool in the Search Console when you’re done to let Google know of your changes.

Transcribe Your Videos

Videos are great content, but you can double their power by transcribing them and using that transcription as a blog post. Google will view it as entirely new and separate content. It’s a great way to easily get high-quality content for your site.

For more SEO tips, just contact us.

One response to “3 SEO Tips for Getting High-Quality Content and Links”

  1. Skye-B says:

    Real excellent info can be found on website.Expand blog

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