
Website Development

Website Development: Make Your Content Easy to Find

Organization is more of the most important components of website development. Having a nice, clean site layout is necessary for a couple of reasons. In this blog, we’ll explain how it helps optimize your SEO and generate leads.

Site navigation and SEO

All Google really cares about is its user experience. The company doesn’t pay much attention to SEO unless some businesses are gaming the system. Even if that happens, it just takes one update to set things straight.

One thing Google’s bots look at is the number of clicks it takes to get to your content. A recent Business.com article explains the process and why you should minimize that number:

“What’s the most number of clicks it takes to reach a piece of content on your site? If it’s more than three to four clicks, Google’s spiders will take longer to crawl your website and index your content. Google spiders use internal links on your site to identify and index relevant pages. To make their job easier, you need to categorize your content in a way that no page is more than three to four clicks away from the homepage.”

The more clicks it takes, the worse your site ranking will be. It’s just one factor, but it’ll have a negative impact on your SEO.

Improving your user experience

The other side to the coin is your user experience. In addition to SEO and your site ranking, you should also have a clean site layout to help prospective customers learn about your business.

For each additional link between your users and content, you’ll lose a set of visitors. Most will return to Google’s search engine results pages to find another relevant website. If you put the content right in front of their noses, however, they’ll be more likely to stay on your site and convert by signing up for your email newsletter.

If your internal links lead to nowhere, then it’s time to redesign your site. To talk more about website development, or anything else, contact us today.

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