Do you understand how web design impacts user experience? Today, visitors have an expectation of websites being more usable that ever. If your business has not completed a redesign in a while, you are likely falling behind your competition. User experience has improved for a number of reasons. Advanced website design techniques and advancements in personal technology have helped create this demand. But, it is businesses understanding of user experience which is inspiring people to offer more than just an HTML website.
Professional web designers understand one very important fact about users. They must create a web design that within 8 seconds will convey’s the business’s image and value, convincing users to stay. If it takes any longer than that, there is a good chance the visitor will move on to another website. With that in mind, here are 3 important considerations.
1. Location – Web designers have long relied on research which shows that “above-the-fold” elements will receive the most attention. However, mobile devices are challenging this well-established practice. Of course, this does not mean “above-the-fold” elements are antiquated. However, it does mean the top half of your website needs to focus on communicating a clear and well-defined value proposition rather than cramming everything deemed important at the top of the page.
2. White Space – A cluttered website confuses the brain and causes users to become distracted. The effective use of white space will improve comprehension and help keep the user’s attention focused. Moreover, white space is crucial for lead generation and conversions because it helps guide the users to a predictable end point.
3. Load Times – Your website’s load time has a big impact on the user’s impression of you, and can easily become the one defining characteristic they associate with your website. Your visitors expect an almost instantaneous response time. Things that can impact your website’s speed includes large images, fancy and flashy elements, embedded off-site media, autoplay videos, and poor coding.
Today’s article proved 3 examples that impact user experience. Nevertheless, the one takeaway should be to place yourself in the role of the user. If you find certain website characteristics ineffective or aggravating, it is very likely your website visitors will as well. Regardless, if visitors find value in what you provide, you will achieve your desired results.
Do you need more information? What haven’t we talked about yet that is important to you? If you would like to talk about the ways web design impacts user experience, or a related topic, please contact us.
Web Design
Do you understand how web design impacts user experience? Today, visitors have an expectation of websites being more usable that ever. If your business has not completed a redesign in…
Web Design
Do you understand how web design impacts user experience? Today, visitors have an expectation of websites being more usable that ever. If your business has not completed a redesign in…
Web Design
Do you understand how web design impacts user experience? Today, visitors have an expectation of websites being more usable that ever. If your business has not completed a redesign in…
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