
Website Development

How Responsive Design Can Keep Users on Your Site

The ability to attract users to your website is overrated. The ability to keep them there, however, is rare and valuable. In this blog, we’ll explain how you can attract and hold users on your site by switching to responsive design.

Users avoid poorly designed sites 

Users do everything they can to avoid poorly designed sites. They’d rather go back to Google’s SERPs and find another site than wait for a slow one to load or try to figure out non-intuitive navigation.

According to this Huffington Post article, some users even factor these aspects into a company’s credibility:

“Let’s look at some facts, 94% of users cited that unattractive web designs are the main reason they’ll reject a site altogether and 48% consider it to be the number one factor of determining a business’s credibility. Additionally, 40% of users will abandon a web page that takes longer than three seconds to load and 38% will stop engaging with a site that has an unattractive layout.”

So, not only will a poorly designed site drive users away, but it can also hurt your brand.

Don’t forget mobile

It’s not at all uncommon for a business to have a great desktop website but a horrible mobile one. By now, you should just assume that most of your users will come from mobile devices. The important thing is that your website works on all devices, not just the one you designed it on.

Responsive design covers all devices 

The problem is that designing two separate websites is costly and inefficient. With responsive design, however, you just need to design one site that has a single URL. The site will automatically adapt to whatever device it gets accessed by. With this strategy, you’ll cover all your bases without having to plan for each one specifically.

To talk more about website design, or anything else, contact us today.


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