What Adjustments Are You Making To Your Keywords This Season?

Can you believe that we are about to be in the holiday shopping season already? For many retail search marketers, this may not always be a fun time. However, you have been creating a list of all the seasonal trends that may have an impact on your websites’ traffic, right?

There was a time when stores only worried about the high amount of foot traffic they would get in their physical stores, now they are worried about the traffic they will get on their websites.

How many times do you make adjustments to your keywords? Keywords play an important role when it comes to search engine activity. You should make sure your keywords are matching the categories that will be searched for during the holiday season. Your keywords should be specific to the holiday shopping season.

While it is important that you make some changes to your social media activity, your website, your blog, etc., this does not mean you should change every single thing. You do not want to incorporate changes that will go against your brand. You want to maintain your brand, as well as the tone of the content you usually post. If you are changing the tone of your content, it should only be because you are adding more joy and spirit into your content because of the holiday season.

You have spent all the years creating the brand that your small business is today, and although making changes is important, we want you to remember that you do not have to change everything. Contact us today for additional information on digital marketing for your small business.


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